Imagination Better Than Knowledge

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The only thing in this world that is more important than knowledge is a vast imagination. Albert Einstein once said “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” without an imagination many luxuries we have today wouldn't exist. Many inventions are created by coming up with an idea, asking about it and then learning and creating it. You don’t need to be an expert of something to come up with an amazing idea. You just need the imagination to do so, as well as the will to learn about it and create it. proof of this is that the airplane came from someone's imagination and hopes of flying someday. The Wright Brothers imagined that one day human beings would be able to take flight. Then through many trials and tribulations they created a working plane. Today's youths imagination is almost completely wiped out in a world full of tragedy where it is truly needed to come up with new, innovative solutions. Proof of this assassination of imagination is todays toys. They are all about “here are the directions.” and no more “choose your own adventure.” Toys like Lego and Lincoln Logs are a dying breed. Kids are no longer able to come up with their own ideas. Everything comes with detailed instructions and uses, and you're the weird kid you come up with something else. when in reality we need that innovation to come up with something to fix our dying world. Imagination is one of the attributes that need to be revived within our youth so that we may survive for the foreseeable future. Without imagination and innovation we can say goodbye to our beautiful world. We’ve slowly destroyed this planet and its our responsibility to fix
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