Ilusion Is Sfe, Reality Is Cruel

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To determine what our true reality is creates more questions than answers, reality can be distorted in many ways, but our true reality will never be know to us, we can only find the illusion that is our reality, it can change, be manipulated and guide us through the word we live in today. Our reality will never be proven to be true nor will it ever be proven to be false as our reality is what we make of it. We all have our own small illusions to escape from the true reality that follows us, creates us and guides us throughout our life, these being television, games, sports ext. All of which are illusions which we fall into because we feel safe, secure where outside our small illusions lies a reality which we can not bare to face alone as we have more questions than answers, we don't know the possibilities as said “Knowledge is power” - Francis Bacon we seek knowledge and to do so we must face our reality. As shown throughout “Inception” we see how an illusion can easily become somebodies reality as shown when Mal commits suicide because in her reality she believes they are still dreaming and in order to 'wake up' she needs to commit suicide. On the other hand Cobb believes that this is his reality but as shown in the ending the top keeps on spinning giving the film a twist, is he still dreaming? and is his reality fake? Our realities are influenced on what we know and we learn what we know from other people, taught to us over the years from birth till death, people shape our reality into what we believe, take childhood for example, most children are put under the false reality of the Easter bunny, Santa Claws and the Tooth fairy. All fake realities created for enjoyment and to cover our children from the harsh true reality we live in until they are at a mature age to understand it and accept it. But in order to do they must face the fact that their reality is
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