1.1 Being able to communicate well helps in forming effective relationships. Good reasons for good communication are valuable to promote relationships and offer support, arrangements for regular contact helps build up a mutual system of support. This enables you to maintain relationships, getting to know people to help build on trust and understanding. To exchange information is important for all parties to gain knowledge for any important reasons such as medical, behavioural, contact details etc. to be able to liase and negotiate with others enables a communication that can be used for all reasons and all parties, being able to pass on information to every agency involved in a full and precise manner.
Good working relationship can benefits of more effective team work and improved morale by • Good communication between team and manager-this ensure that information is passed in to all members. Increases team’s effectiveness and satisfaction as they are given the appropriate guidelines. Team members understands each other better, are more willing to share their ideas give support to each other. • Common goals- by setting clear company mission team members understands what they need to achieve. Employees must know what to do, how to do it or where to turn for help.
* Implements support plans by providing 1:1 support for supported individuals offering a range of services which help promote independence, self confidence and a positive self image. * Support the individuals to ensure appropriate support plans are properly completed within timescales. * Ensures that all supported individuals are satisfied with the service they receive and escalates all problems or complaints effectively and in line with procedures. * Undertakes any reasonable task as defined by the Locality Manager (LM) to ensure that business needs and supported individual needs are met. * Applies person centred initiatives.
We feel we are each personally accountable for the highest standards of behavior, including honesty and fairness in all aspects of our work. We will fulfill our commitment as responsible citizens and care takers. We will treat clients, member, and company resources with the respect they deserve. We feel that open communication between our closest allies in the human service fields is necessary as well as keeping an open door policy in house for all people involved from the highest levels of employ to the newest members of Fresh Start. We want all patrons of our company to feel safe, welcomed and at home whilst finding adventure and inner peace.
Our expectation is that all staff members will “do the right thing” when making decisions, both large and small. Doing the right thing when making decisions means considering the well-being of everyone: our customers, vendors, partners, and communities. Customer Care and Treatment of Staff Company X strives to provide its customers with high quality customer service. All services must meet established professional standards and comply with applicable laws and regulations. Company X staff members should treat each other with respect, dignity, and fairness at all times and may not conduct themselves in any way that either interferes with a co-worker’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
• Social - To be able to form positive relationships. • Emotional - To be loved and accepted. • Meeting personal potential - To be able to achieve and develop to full potential. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work: In relationships, the building of trust and understanding between people makes it easier to get things done. If I work as part of a team, I will need to work alongside colleagues and share a workload.
Good communication will enable you to build strong professional relationships based on trust. It is essential that the individuals you support trust you as you are working very closely with them to improve their lives and
Promote Positive Behaviour – Credits: 6 1.1 Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice All aspects of my role as a support worker require me to be up to date on all company and government legislations, mandatory training and understand the codes of practices as well as the policies and procedures. With this it gives me guidance and the ability to work to my best potential giving the service user the best quality of life possible. These practices and polices make sure that all staff are working with a consistent approach this also helps reinforce confidence when dealing with challenging behaviour and promoting good behaviour. They also help staff to develop communications skills relevant to the service user. Included in the legislations, frameworks, codes of practices and policies are guidelines which help the staff meet the requirements of the health and safety act ensuring that we get positive reviews from CQC assessment.
Both good communication and effective interpersonal communication are essential tools in achieving the best and strongest possible relationship, care and understanding of a client in a health and social care setting. All staff and visitors who have strong interpersonal skills will be more successful in both their professional and personal lives. Interpersonal skills are when an individual wants to understand another individual on a one to one level, interpersonal skills include; eye contact, pace, open body language, and tone. These are used to make an individual feel comfortable and provide the appropriate support to meet the needs of the client and the care professional. Communication skills and interpersonal skills are forms of communication that are very important in the health and social care sector, as without them nothing would be able to progress and the client may question their own
The level of support depends on the individual’s needs (person centred approach). This type of setup requires clear and consistent planning by staff. Staff monitor daily activities with service users and they encourage them to participate and offer them choice where possible. Through encouragement and participation in meaningful activities the service users will feel valued as an individual. This has a positive effect on the