Ikko Tanaka Essay

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The geisha symbolizes Japan as well as it’s own flag and perhaps more so the farther removed one gets from Japan. If you show a red circle to someone in the bible belt of America they may not connect that with Japan, however, if you show them an image of a geisha they would likely connect that to Japan. In Ikko Tanaka’s graphic design of a geisha he transcends the language barrier by speaking to us with shapes, mathematics, and rhythm elements that are found in any language. Perhaps not many people know or understand the meaning of a geisha but the recognition is undeniable. “The work I have selected to anaylze is a poster that utilizes simple geometric shapes found in every culture to form a figure that is rooted in his own culture.The color scheme chosen is found in traditional Japanese artwork.The formation of the shapes around the eyes create a reference to the stereotypical slant that is present in the eyes of Asian people.” (Sylvester). Ikko Tanaka has created an image here that speaks to anyone with eyes about his heritage and Japanese roots. Slanted eyes, small bee stung lips, white face paint, and a mountain of hair placed sturdily atop the head say GEISHA loud and clear no mater these features are half circles, circles, rectangles or squares. Works Cited Sylvester, DuJuan. "Graphic Design Tips and Articles – Painted Rock Design: Homage to a Master – Ikko Tanaka." Graphic Design Tips and Articles - Painted Rock Design: Homage to a Master – Ikko Tanaka. N.p., 12 May 2010. Web. 01 Jan.

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