If I Lived in Ancient Rome

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If I Lived in Ancient Rome If I lived in Ancient Rome instead of America today, life would be very different. In Rome there was a lot of different races and cultures. I would feel more comfortable knowing that so many other people of different races, having different cultures, and coming from different societies were all around me. Being around them would make me more relaxed with not necessarily being the same as most people around me. A lot of people were made to be slaves. But there were a lot of different kind of slaves and they were treated differently depending on what kind of slave they were. It also mattered where you lived in Rome on how you were treated. If you worked on a farm as a slave you were called a “field-hand” and you would be treated very badly. But some slaves worked in the houses and were nannies, cooks, or did the laundry. If you were a boy like me, you might be a stable boy and you would have to take care of the horses. You would be treated better like the people who worked in the house were. There were other slaves too. They would have to work for the government, or a business, or factory, or run a store. Also criminals that were sentenced would have to work in mines. Even once they were free they would never have the same rights as other people, but at least their kids could. All over Rome, boys where treated as more important because they went to school but only some girls could. Only a few went on with their education but if they did they would usually leave and go far away to places like Egypt and Athens. One big reason they did not go to school was because they had to work with their parents like weeding, hoeing and plowing. They had to help so the family could get enough food to eat. They didn’t learn to read or write or do math! If I lived back then my school would only be one room and one teacher taught all the subjects.
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