Identify Your Understanding of the Internal Barriers Experienced by Your Chosen Child(Ren) and Analyse in Discussion with Another Professional the Possible External Barriers Which May Impact Upon Their Learning.

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Distinction Presentation Notes Slide 1 For the purposes of this presentation I will refer to the child as “Jack”, not his real name. Slide 2 In order to consider both the internal and external barriers to learning for the child I am helping ,I will briefly look at the setting, particularly being aware of how this may affect his learning. I will then give a brief outline of the child . I will then identify my understanding of some of the internal barriers to learning I believe are experienced by him. This list cannot be exhaustive. In close discussion with his class teacher, teaching assistant, parents and the child himself I have then identified several possible external barriers to his learning which I have grouped under the general term of “attitudes” and I will analyse some of these in relation to my reading and awareness of policy, relevant literature and legislation. I will conclude this presentation with a key “next steps” for me as SENCO and for my setting. Slide 3 * The setting is a faith school which is built on an inclusive principle. Booth, et al. (2000) refers in the Index to Inclusion to all members of the school community being valued equally which is a principle that underpins the strong Christian ethos of this school. * The Statutory guidance, Inclusive Schooling: Children with Special Educational Needs ( DfES 2001b:2) places the onus on schools to “actively remove barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude pupils with special educational needs” through fostering a sense of community and belonging and developing an inclusive ethos. This can be seen in the strong “mutually sustaining” relationships between all stakeholders, including parents, and the wider community, outlined in the school prospectus and seen throughout the school. * Period of great change – within the time the child has been in the
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