Ict-Related Skills Essay

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1. Identify three ICT-related skills you have that would contribute to a project a. Does everyone have these? Are you unique? How can your skills be an advantage to others? Three skills related to ICT can identify as operating an online search engine that will be included in the operational skill. Assessment data sources included in the information skills. The uses of the Internet are by conducting a focused and determined to get personal benefits included in the strategic skills. Such skll are very basic skill used in the work of the team so that everyone has theses and I was not unique. As a team member my skill can be useful to others for example the ability to evaluate information sources can shorten the time to get useful information and I wasted no time in selecting and filtering. In addition, the implementation of a data source can be a supplement to the basic idea. 2. Identify three non-technical skills you have that would contribute to a project a. Does everyone have these? Are you unique? How can your skills be an advantage to others? There are three ICT related skill communication skill, strong innovation skills and leadership skills. Firstly, communication skills could give you an advantage over the other colleagues because I was able to explain and demonstrate because the idea and offer my best for certain projects. In addition all careers related to support the idea of a communication. Secondly, I think that strong innovation skills is also one of the strongest advantages of the ICT, normally I would figure it out and build a creative and problem solving skills, which are often determined by the solution to it is special because of thinking skills are necessary for identifying the strategies, patterns, opportunities and new ideas, as most of the innovation will get others on board. Thirdly, leadership is a skill that involves intelligent
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