Ict in Classroom Teaching

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INTEGRATING ICT IN CLASSROOM TEACHING The best way for a student to learn depends on the student, of course. It is well known that different students have different learning styles that work best for them. The best approach for a teacher to take is to teach in a variety of learning styles with their teaching plan. It is also helpful to encourage students to understand their preferred learning style. Also teachers should make students aware of the various learning styles and encourage them to consider their preferred style as they complete their studies. Students learn in many ways, like seeing, hearing, and experiencing things. But for most students, one of these methods stands out. It is very important for students to change their study habits in order to perform better.For example, visual-learning students will sometimes struggle during essay exams, because they can't recall test material that was heard in a lesson. However, if the visual learner uses a visual aid when studying, like a colorful outline material, he or she may hold on for more information. For this type of learner, visual tools improve the ability to recall information more completely. Some students remember best materials they have seen, some remember things they have heard, while others remember things they have experienced. So in order to teach effectively and to cater different learning style students, teachers need to introduce ICT in classrooms. ICT capability is about having the technical and cognitive proficiency to access appropriately, to use, develop, create and communicate information using technological tools. Learners demonstrate this capability by purposefully applying technology to solve problems, analyze and exchange information, develop ideas, create models and control devices. Students’ ability to apply their ICT capability is largely dependent on the
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