Ics, Inc Case Study

4945 Words20 Pages
* 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Author will critically analyse and evaluate ICS, Inc through SWOT analysis, an information systems consulting firm, owned by Ivana. The Author will consequently categorise the problems into behavioral, structural and operational strategic variables. This will provide means to identify the main causes of the problems faced by ICS, Inc. and recommendations made by the author will therefore support the existing current state of affairs to drastically transform. Some of the problems identified are: lack of leadership skills which proves that the organisation has poor strategy. Leadership is the ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal. Therefore a leader is someone who sets direction in an effort to influence people positively to follow that direction. Poor Communication is evident at ICS, Inc and the following problems will be discussed in detail: no kickoff meetings, lack of formal and documented communication, poor project documentation, poor communication between Ivana and Team. Questionable Ethics (Values/Beliefs/Principles) will be critically discussed considering that the project manager must set the tone and expectations and must exemplify ethical behavior. The project manager must be committed to always doing what is right and fair and communicate the same expectations to the team. Project Selection and Prioritisation will illustrate that ICS, Inc selects projects without any ranking criteria. Dysfunctional Behavior will be discussed since the leadership exhibits such behavior, as hostility, making disparaging personal remarks that is disruptive to the development of an effective team. Dearth of Teamwork; It will be critically analysed since cohesion is lacking at ICS, Inc. Organisational Structure; a detailed analysis will confirm that the structure is not properly set and there is no project management

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