Icelt Task 3.4 Learners and Learning

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************** YES ! THIS IS THE LAST ONE ! JUST KEEP ON GOING! ************* SHARE AND BE HAPPY !!!!! ************ Learners and learning I. Introduction. Learning styles are what define how a student or person acquires knowledge in an educational environment. According to Morrison, they are the “preferred way of learning. It represents a cluster of personality and mental characteristics that influence how a pupil perceives, remembers, thinks, and solves problems,” (Morrison, 2006:186). ELT practitioners must realize that there are many different learning styles, as well as personality types within the classroom and being assertive on identifying our students’ needs and developmental areas according to their learning preferences will lead them to acquire knowledge in a more natural way. For this assignment, I will describe and evaluate the differences in learners response to the activities developed in a regular grammar lesson based on their motivation, age and learning styles. I will also talk about the strategies that I will use to evaluate that learner’s progress has taken place and consider ways in which the quality of learning can be improved. II. Class Profile. , My class consists of 35 young learners with an average age of 10. Their English level is A2. They are able to communicate in simple routine tasks and daily matters. They are familiar to English as they are third graders and have practiced English every day for the last two years; however, they are on their way of dominating L1 interference while speaking as they tend to use Spanish to communicate their ideas effectively rather than challenging themselves to build accurate sentences in English. As young learners, they are highly motivated and enthusiastic towards the English class which enhances the flow of information as they feel constantly praised and encouraged.
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