I'M Not Scared Quotes

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The Comparative Study – Quotes from ‘I’m not Scared’ Io Ho Non Pauro – I’m not scared Southern Italy 1978 – subtitle It’s not fair, it’s always my turn! – Barbara – ‘Non e justo’ Ferma (stop) – Michele I’ll pay up. I came last – Michele’s moral righteousness is evident at the start ‘Your heavy’ & ‘Did you do your push ups?’ – CC, Pino judges Michele in terms of his masculinity and physical strength So they bury him and he remains in the belly of the earth among secrets, corpses, bones, skeletons and darkness – Michele’s active imagination – his coping mechanism If you want to do as you please then leave. Get lost! – Pino banishes Michele when the shoe sales man has arrived, distance between Pino & Michele is established I’m not playing anymore – growing divide between Michele & his friends, he has more adult concerns on his mind other than ‘stiff statues’. Someone’s coming in a few days. So no fuss and no whining – Sergio is coming If Felice comes and finds it, he’ll figure it out – Michele is worried that Felice will find the bread as Filippo won’t give it back Are you my guardian angel? I’m dead – Filippo’s reasoning as to why he has been left in the hole, why have his parents left him there? Hide him and stay cool – Sergio’s instructions to his fellow kidnappers – power They said it would end soon. It’s been two months! You’re the worst because you think – Sergio puts Pino down, actions are what are required in Sergio’s mind We’ll cut off two ears – Felice attempting to be manly and brave, Sergio’s influence Your Mom was on T.V, you could see the sailing ship. She said that she and your dad love you very much – Michele recounts events on the news We’re the same – The irony, Filippo & Michele are exactly the same but Pino cannot see this Brazil’s some country. Life costs nothing. Served, venerated. It’s not

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