and this is shown on the essay when she writes this ”If, by chance , I find another person more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have, I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another one” Really, is sad but is the truth, men do think women’s are objects they can’t take and leave when they want and demand things and expect to received without giving. As I read the essay it was stupid to see that they didn’t realize that all the wife’s duties could also be done by men, like cleaning, working, taking care of the kids, and of course pleasing their wife’s when she
What a wife it would be When a reader first looks at Brady’s essay one might think it was written by a man. However after reading the first paragraph the reader will realize that the author is indeed a woman and may be confused as to why the title is “Why I Want A Wife”. Brady gives a reasonable argument as to the unequal views on the roles of the husband and wife. By listing the many examples of a wife’s responsibilities, she hopes to sway a woman or man’s feelings and encourages them to perhaps modify the usual tradition of marriage and companionship. The audience she has chosen would most likely be women or married couples.
These observations, coupled with her never ending excuses of why she wants a wife throughout the essay, kept me interested and also had me considering how they might compare to my life experiences. Brady's reasons for wanting a wife are seemingly endless: To support her, to take care of her children (at all times), to take care of her physical needs, to keep the house clean, to take care of her sexual needs (when she wants her to), to take full responsibility and to remain faithful until she might need to marry another wife, just to name a few! To sum things up, after Brady finishes schooling, she wants her wife to quit work, so she can completely take on the full responsibilities of a wife. What I would like to do is take some positives from this sarcastic, female chauvinistic literature. For almost every instance that Brady states she wants a wife, I would agree with her.
In addition to the previous paragraph, we also know that Curley’s wife is a married woman, a possession of Curley’s. Perhaps Steinbeck does not give the wife a name throughout the book because during the 1930s, women were regarded as a sign of possession, an object or a personal belonging. This affects the reader by thinking Curley’s wife was nothing more than a sexual tool for Curley. Her character is symbolic to women in the 1930’s which contrasts to the women today and how much respect there is for women now. During the time of sorrow, many people had an imaginable dream to accomplish.
She calls the women “foul contending rebel[s]” and “graceless traitors” to their husbands. The fact that Katherine insulted the wives is another way she shows her dominance among the women and the unkind, look downed upon, nature that is put upon the wives. Ironically, Katherine also states that a women who do not obey her husbands are “muddy,” “ill-seeming,” and “bereft of beauty” implying that these wives are these characteristics because of their disobedience to their husbands. Using these words, Katherine patronizes and reprimands these wives publicly almost as if she was teaching them a lesson on how to be true wives. The condescending tone that Kate uses on these wives is a basically a scolding for their disobedience and also a lesson on why wives should submit to their husbands so humbly.
Judy Brady, in her essay “Why I Want a Wife”, use irony tone to list that the responsibilities of the traditional wives in society. Throughout the essay, she informs the reader about the different treatments between the gender roles and shares her desperate feeling of being a wife. The essay begins with the author categorizing herself as a wife and a mother. While thinking about her male friend who is looking for another wife after divorce, she suddenly wants a wife and she lists the reasons why she would like to have a wife. The first reason is that a wife can take care of her children while her husband goes back to school.
The whole poems started during the time woman were tending to stay quite. She wrote the poem to express her opinion of a female’s voice in the society. She speaks in a worthless tone. In her view women were not different than men. Bradstreet also shows identity for the Puritan men that criticize her work because men had more talent and skill, which come in handy in the society, but she sees that it’s unfair.
In her Pride and Prejudice, Austen is almost pre-occupied with the theme of marriage. Marriage is a crucial issue of a woman’s life. But it was more crucial for the women of her society, when women mere largely dependent on their male counterparts. So, women sought financial as well as social support through marriage. But Austen did not approve of it.
She states in the first chapter that the “solace” of marriage is “visiting and news.” This explains why Mrs Bennett is so desperate for her husband to visit Bingley and find out more about him and to introduce him to their daughters. It is either her marriage that she is worrying about or the prospect of her daughters’ marriages. Marriage is also presented as a key moment in the lives of women and this is shown by the fact that the only things that Mr and Mrs Bennett discuss in the first chapter of the book are their daughter’s possible marriages. The significance of marriage in
She belive that by succumbing to the 'idealised' image of a woman that in reality does not give women the liberty of having a mind of their own,the women are being disrespectful to themselves. Amal kassir is addressing the ladies who have fallen for this trap and is asking them to save their dignity and not give in to the conventional concept of beauty because you are perfect the way you are and states that exposing your body is not feminism.There is a lot more to it. Amal Kassir through her narrative,challenges the patriarchal system and makes a stand against it by choosing to think for herself and doing what she believes is right despite the criticism she has