I Want a Wife

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I Want A Wife, Or Maybe A Husband As I read Judy Brady's article, "I Want A Wife," I found it to be full of humor and witticism. Brady mentions many relevant points for wanting a wife throughout the essay that I tend to agree with, but she always uses sarcasm and takes it a bit too far. As I continued to read, I realized that there are some comments that compare to my own life experiences. Brady does a good job at getting the reader's attention rather quickly by using the title " I Want A Wife", considering that she is a female, and the date when the essay was written (December 1971). These observations, coupled with her never ending excuses of why she wants a wife throughout the essay, kept me interested and also had me considering how they might compare to my life experiences. Brady's reasons for wanting a wife are seemingly endless: To support her, to take care of her children (at all times), to take care of her physical needs, to keep the house clean, to take care of her sexual needs (when she wants her to), to take full responsibility and to remain faithful until she might need to marry another wife, just to name a few! To sum things up, after Brady finishes schooling, she wants her wife to quit work, so she can completely take on the full responsibilities of a wife. What I would like to do is take some positives from this sarcastic, female chauvinistic literature. For almost every instance that Brady states she wants a wife, I would agree with her. The only difference between her statements and mine would be that every time she says "I want a wife," I would instead enter " to make a marriage complete, the couple must together...". For example, for a marriage to be complete, the couple must together take care of the children, or for a marriage to be complete, the couple must together take care of each other's physical needs. I would imagine that a

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