I. The Effects Of Hydrogen Peroxide On The Amount

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I. The Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide On the Amount of Pests on the Seed Germination Of Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is known as a common disinfectant. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has also approved the use of hydrogen peroxide as an ingredient in pesticides. Hydrogen peroxide has been deemed safe for use on non-food and food crops because it is an effective algicide and fungicide at low concentrations. Algae and fungus can often affect not just leaves and stems, but also roots, and sometimes even seeds. Agricultural scientists are always searching for safe compounds to use on seeds and roots to protect them from pests and insects. Tomatoes are a common fruit grown, bought and eaten here in the Philippines and around the world. They are known as the worId’s most popular fruit and have many purposes. In this project, we will investigate whether or not hydrogen peroxide is also safe for use on seeds during germination. II. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Hydrogen peroxide is a clear colorless liquid that is infinitely soluble in water and is slightly more viscous than water. Hydrogen peroxide, well known as an ingredient in disinfectant products, is now also approved for controlling microbial pests on crops growing indoors and outdoors, and on certain crops after harvest. This active ingredient prevents and controls bacteria and fungi that cause serious plant diseases. Agricultural pesticide products usually contain no more than 35% hydrogen peroxide, which is then usually diluted to 1% or less when applied as a spray or a liquid. They target microbes, including fungi and bacteria, that cause plant diseases. Tomato may refer to both the plant and the edible, typically red, fruit which it bears. The tomato fruit is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an

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