I Love Yoi

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Short Answer Questions Chapter 1-6 Chapter One (1) 1. Briefly define each of the following terms: a. Strategy b. Sustainable competitive advantage c. Business model 2. Identify and briefly describe the four most frequently used strategic approaches to achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Provide examples. 3. What is the connection between a company’s strategy and its quest for sustainable competitive advantage? 4. Should a company’s strategy be tightly connected to its quest for competitive advantage? Why or why not? What difference does it makes whether a company has a sustainable competitive advantage or not? 5. List five things to look for in identifying the components of an organization's strategy. 6. Why does a company’s strategy tend to evolve over time? 7. Why is a company’s strategy partly proactive and partly reactive? 8. Is it more accurate to think of strategy as being "proactive" or as being "reactive?" Why? 9. Explain why a company's strategy cannot be completely planned out in advance and why crafting a company’s strategy cannot be a one-time, once-and-for-all managerial exercise. Identify at least 3 factors that account for why company strategies evolve. 10. What determines whether a company's strategy is "ethical?" Why should a company care where its strategy can pass the test of moral scrutiny so long as each of its strategic actions fall within the bounds of what is considered legal? 11. If a company’s strategic actions are legal, then its strategy qualifies as ethical. True or false? Give examples to support your answer. 12. Explain the difference between a company's business model and a company's strategy. 13. What are the three criteria for determining whether a company has a winning strategy? 14. How can one tell a winning strategy from a strategy that is mediocre or a loser? 15. Why is sustainable competitive advantage so important

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