I D Hammer Out Freedom Analysis

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I’d Hammer Out Freedom: Technology as Politics and Culture The evolution of technological innovation has benefited the world dramatically. In Richard Sclove’s article, “I’d Hammer Out Freedom: Technology as Politics and Culture”, he argues that we should do more to understand technology’s influence on society. This paper will analyze Richard Sclove’s context, and reflect on people’s relationship with technology. In conclusion, the context will be reviewed to identify if the development of technology, and how it changes the way someone lives in a positive or negative way. Polypotency Within the reading the term polypotency is used to describe technology’s role(s) within society. The word polypotency, meaning “potent in many ways”, is…show more content…
The context discusses in depth how technology can limit human interaction, in-turn affecting the development of social experiences. The purpose of technological innovation is to change the world and provide convenience and functionality. However, does the extent to which technology is used help or hinder our society in relation to human interactions? The increase of dependence on technology has created a form of laziness within society, limiting an individual for thinking for themselves. The world should not be created to have technology run it solely; humans should be more involved with processes that are in their control. A complete dependency on technology can lead future generations into the direction of lacking life skills. An excellent movie, Surrogates (2009), supports how an extreme dependency on technology can affect social interactions and health decline for lack of physical movement because there is technology that will do everything for you. The polypotency of technology, if used properly, can truly help the world evolve for the better. The lack of extreme dependency can open the door for communities to work together to resolve…show more content…
The evolution of science and technology has allowed the world to gain a better understanding of how the world is formed and operates. Technology has identified that everyone drives the effects of their own environment. The cause of pollution and waste, have caused technologies to be created which have encouraged a social structure to regulate how each component is addressed. For example one method of reducing pollution is emission tests with vehicles. An example of reducing waste is the behavior of recycling. However, with matters such as pollution and waste that affect the world drastically, and social structures that have been put in place to regulate these areas, people still focus on technologies that still hinder the world instead of building self sustainable projects have a positive effect on the longevity of Earth that exists today. Richard Sclove’s article, “I’d Hammer Out Freedom: Technology as Politics and Culture”, provides a detailed explanation of his theory of how technology plays in someone’s everyday role. It is up to each individual to define how they will allow technology to play a role in their life, and to what
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