I Am Awful Human Being

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I am an awful human being. What is wrong with me? I feel everything all at once and there is no stopping it. I just want to not feel. I want to be cold. I want to be heartless. I want to have no emotion. I don’t want to hurt anymore. It just hurts too much. Like every inch of my body is clawing at me and screaming louder than is possible to hear. Telling me I’m a failure. Telling me I’m too much. Telling me I’m not worth it. Telling me that I just screw everything up. I feel too quickly. Why did I have to open up. Why did I decide to love you so hard. Why did you have to suddenly change your mind. How can you be okay with this. Why can’t you hurt the way I am. Why can’t you cry everyday begging for the pain to stop. Why couldn’t you just love me like I love you. I didn’t ask for much. All I wanted was for you to give me some attention and treat me like I existed. I never asked you to buy me anything. I wasn’t too demanding. Is it so much for a girl to want to see her boyfriend. You made me feel like garbage. Like I really was worthless and like everything mattered more than I did. Like I was an opotion.All I ever wanted was you. That’s all I wanted. Why was it so hard for you to realize that I had to be important too. Why did everything else come first. I finally was a person that wanted you. That would do anything for you. And I just chased you away. I finally became what you always wanted, and I still wasn’t enough. You didn’t need me. The more I tried, the more you tried to run away. The more I dug the more you hid. The more I begged the more you took away. Did I really mean so little to you. I always put you before me… how come it could never be the other way around. Go ahead, chase after the girls who will treat you the way you treat me. See how much they do for you. I hope they do to you what you did to me and I hope you feel the way I do. I hope you lie awake

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