Hydrogen Powered Cars

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Hydrogen Powered Vehicles The energy source that I have chosen is Hydrogen. Hydrogen can be used to the advantage of many things. The future generation is starting to focus on Hydrogen powered cars for the benefit of many people. Hydrogen powered cars are still being scientifically researched and altered for maximum satisfaction. There are many positive aspects of Hydrogen powered cars. One of the many pros is the ability to get the energy. Hydrogen can be produced from solar, wind, or nuclear energy which makes this source easy for production. All the energy from Hydrogen that is used is 100% natural. This means that this is “Earth Friendly” which in this world we really need to help our earth survive. Hydrogen powered cars also has its drawbacks. Due to its low energy content per unit volume and high tank weights, this makes the overall manufacturing process very difficult to construct. The cost of the car is also a major drawback. Each Hydrogen powered car runs from $500,000 and up. The materials to construct this car is expensive. Most working-class individuals are not going to spend that much money on a vehicle, even if it is Hydrogen powered. Price has a huge affect on people’s financial decisions. Inside of a regular gasoline engine, fuel and air is converted. This is called internal combustion. This works by burning fuel in very measured and controlled amounts inside of many combustion chambers. This fiery, burning fuel makes heat which in effect causes a very powerful expanding force. The gasoline engine uses this energy to move the car’s wheels in different directions. Compared to regular gasoline powered engines, Hydrogen powered engines are much more complex. There are many components in this type of engine due to the unusual compounds that you have to deal with. This is why

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