Hw410 U3 Exercise

2017 Words9 Pages
HW410: Unit 3 Exercises EXERCISE 5.1 Anger Recognition Checklist He who angers you, conquers you. Elizabeth Kenny The following is a quick exercise to help you understand how anger can surface in the course of a normal working day and how you may mismanage it. Please place a check mark in front of any of the following that apply to you when you get angry or feel frustrated or upset. After completing this section, please refer to the bottom right hand corner to estimate, on average, the number of episodes of anger you experience per day. When I feel angry, my anger tends to surface in the following ways: __X___ anxiety __X___ threatening others _____ depression _____ buying things _____ overeating _____ frequent lateness _____ starting to diet _____ I never feel angry _____ trouble sleeping _____ clenched jaw muscles, TMJD _____ excessive sleeping _____ boredom _____ careless driving _____ nausea, vomiting _____ chronic fatigue _____ skin problems _____ abuse of alcohol/drugs _____ easy irritation __X___ exploding in rage _____ sexual difficulty _____ cold withdrawal _____ sexual apathy _____ tension headaches _____ busy work (clean, straighten) _____ migraine headaches _____ sulking, whining __X___ use of sarcasm _____ hitting, throwing things _____ hostile joking _____ complaining, whining _____ being accident prone _____ cutting/mutilating myself _____ guilt and self-blame _____ insomnia _____ smoking or drinking _____ promiscuity _____ high blood pressure _____ helping others _____ frequent nightmares _____ other? ____________________ _____ tendency to harp or nag _____ other? ____________________ _____ intellectualization __X___ swearing or name calling _____ crying _____ upset stomach (e.g.,
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