Human Resources Cohesion

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Much management research, consultancy work and money has been, and continues to be, spent on making teams work well in companies Veloutsou and Panigyrakis, (2001, p.234). Here I will analyse how team cohesion can be increased and the outcomes of a highly cohesive team The term ‘cohesiveness’ in the context of team cohesiveness within organisations can be defined as ‘The degree to which members are attracted to and motivated to remain part of the group.’ French et al (2008, p.286) Persons within a highly cohesive team generally tend to be more enthusiastic and energetic towards completing team activities and have a lower absenteeism rate, therefore team cohesion is an endeavour that managers are continuously trying to promote within organisations. There are many factors which can influence and effect cohesiveness and the performance of a team. Fig 1. adapted from Mullins L. J. (2008, p.307) illustrates the factors in question. Membership refers to factors which affect the members of a group. The work environment refers to the group environment and the advantages and disadvantages affecting the group because of this. Organisational factors refer to the organisation as a whole effects them such as management styles and reward systems. Lastly group development and maturity refers to the Tuckmans model where groups venture through five stages known as the forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning stages Brooks (2003, p.92-93). The personalities of team members, can impact the cohesiveness of a team and how they relate from being a group of individuals and developing into to a team Belbin (1981) assumes nine roles in a team which he defines as plant, resource, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, implementer, completer finisher and specialist. Belbin didn't imply that every role has to be filled out by an individual team member, but that a team member can

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