Human Language and Animal Communication Systems

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Introduction There are disparities linking human language and animal communication methods. The latter, however, should acquire a number of features to be considered as language. This is because language is a unique method of communiqué that is symbolic, verbal, arbitrary and dually patterned- these features make human speech dissimilar from animal communication methods. Given the available sources, a review of literature will be done on human speech and animal communiqué methods. Both qualitative and quantitative research will be applied in exploring some of the disparities amid human speech and animal communiqué methods. This will aid in discussing what animals’ communiqué method need to acquire in order to be considered a language. However, more emphasis will be put on qualitative research. The methods of data collection that will be employed will include observation but the major source of data will be secondary. Data will be analyzed and conclusions that will be drawn from the research will offer some insight on disparities that exist among human speech and animal communiqué methods. This will help in proposing what animal communiqué methods would have to acquire in order to be considered language. Both qualitative and quantitative research will be employed in exploring the distinctions amid human speech and animal communiqué method. However, more emphasis will be put on qualitative research than quantitative research. Observations will be done to compare human speech and animal communiqué methods and this will aid in discussing what animal communiqué methods would have to acquire in order to be considered language. The major source of data will be secondary from the references provided. Research confirms that there are disparities between human speech and animal communiqué methods. Animal communiqué systems would have to acquire a number of things in order to
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