Hudson Park Ecosystem Lab Report

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Brianna French Biology Assignment Name: Hudson Park Location: Adamstown Heights NSW 2289 Type of Ecosystem: Dry open plain Field Work Hudson Park, Location 1 28th February, 2014 4:30 pm – 5:00pm Equipment: Compass, thermometer and 20m string. Abiotic Factors Air temperature | 22’C | Wind Direction | SE | Exposure | High | Humidity | | Soil pH | 5.5pH | Soil moisture content | 1.0% | Biotic Factors Plants | Gum Tree, Paper Bark | Animals | Plovers, Minors, Cats, Pigeon and Skinks | Field Work Hudson Park, Location 2 12th March, 2014 2:00pm – 2:25pm Equipment: Compass and thermometer Abiotic Factors Air temperature | 26’C | Wind direction | ENE | Exposure | High | Humidity | | Soil pH | 5.0pH |…show more content…
Equipment: Soil pH Soil moisture content Soil Sampl Beaker Watch glass Soil Sample Universal Indicator Scale Barrium Sulfate Powder Oven pH Chart Method: Soil pH 1.Place soil sample on a watch glass 2.Add a few drops of the Universal Indicator to the soil 3. Dust Barrium Sulfate Powder over the Universal Indicator or so the colour can be seen 4.Match the colour against the pH chart Soil moisture content 1.Weigh an Beaker 2.Add soil sample and reweigh 3.Calculate the mass of the

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