Hsc Pwcs 33 Principles of Diversity, Equality and Inclusionin Adult Social Care Settings

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PWCS 33 Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings 1.1 Diversity Every person is unique ,different. This can be difference with ability, disability, people who speak different languages and different cultural traditions. Diversity also can mean ageism, upper class, middle class, working class, black, white or mixed heritage. Equality Means to treat everyone as equal. To support every person to live their life as they wish, to be given opportunities to make choices and decisions about there life. Inclusion The process of ensuring that all members of society have access to available services and activities. Discrimination Unfair or less favourable treatment of a person or group of people in comparison to others, unfair treatment that occurs inadvertently. 1.2 Discrimination has a negative effect on the individual or group and can often effect others like family and friends. With groups it can affect organisations, communities and society as a whole. Even the people who inflict discrimination can be affected by negative impact -they could fail to experience the benefits of diversity, equality and inclusion. It could also affect their broadening of their horizons. Negative impact can be :- Loss of self esteem Poor self image Confusion, anger and depression Disempowerment Loss of motivation, achievement Missed opportunities Marginalisation 1.3 The importance of inclusive practice is it enables people to be valued, confident, feel safe and have all their needs met. They can then participate in society without feeling prejudice or
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