Unexplained bruises, fractures or the same injures happening again and again. They might want to be left alone or with a particular person. Sexual abuse signs and symptoms: Rape, sexual innuendo’s, molestation, touching inappropriately, not giving their consent or being able to. Being forced or coerced to be photographed or videoed to allow others to look at their body. This could lead to the person being withdrawn, their behaviour could change.
Physical abuse can also contribute to changes in mental wellbeing, and can make the victim experience anxiety, depression, fear, and many other traits that might be different to how they feel normally. Sexual Abuse: When a person engages in sexual activities with another person without their consent. This can include rape, touching inappropriately, buggery, and watching over a person whilst sexual activities are talking place. People who have been sexually abused may show a change in behaviour. The symptoms can include overly sexualised behaviour, self harm, anxiety, depression, urinary infections, or being withdrawn when in social settings.
· Leaving someone in a situation in which they experience discomfort or pain. · Excessive cold or heat. · Misuse of medication. · Failing to stop someone being physically abused by another person. Sexual abuse is when one person exerts power over another to achieve sexual gratification.
Sexual abuse Is an act of forcing sexual activity onto another without consent and against their will. Using threats or coercion to get sexual activity that is improper or harmful to another person. For example: Rape or sexual assault, masturbation, sexual harassment, penetration or attempted penetration, indecent exposure. ? Emotional/psychological abuse Is any act of abuse, in any abuse situation the victim is caused both emotional and psychological distress.
205 1.1 • Physical abuse - This is where the individual is injured due to an act of harm comes towards them. • Sexual abuse - This is where the individual is exploited sexually or when topics or acts of sexual nature and enforced on the individual. • Emotional/psychological abuse - this is where the individual is verbally abused, tormented, bullied or blackmailed. • Financial abuse - this is where the individual has money stolen or is encouraged to spend it on thinks they do not need. • Institutional abuse - this is where the institution has imposed procedures that do not conform to the individuals support plans and is not suited to them.
Factors that can contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to physical abuse may be that the service user cannot communicate verbally and also the service user may re-in act the physical abuse on other service users. Sexual abuse Some examples of sexual abuse could be forcing a service use to take part in any sexual activity against their will or watching sexual activities, this could be in the internet. Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse may be that the service user tries to perform some of the sexual acts on other service users or members of staff or even in the public. The service user may be bleeding from the vagina or rectum. Service users who have been sexually abused may start to self harm.
Lack of communication in a care home setting, could result in clients being over or under medicated on a regular basis. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is any non-consensual sexual contact; it is the forcing of undesirable sexual behaviour by one person upon another. This can be physical attacks, verbal suggestions, insults or exposure to unwanted sexual imagery. Sexual abuse could occur when a carer offering support to a venerable person, could use their status to coerce that person to touching them in an inappropriate manner. This type of abuse could also be present in a care home setting with the perpetrator being another client, forcing a person to undress, or made to watch specific sexual actions.
Therefore, they’re more likely to consider victims responsible for their rape because of the fact of intoxication. This can lead them to be less knowledgeable about the assault, and impact that was caused on the victim. Some perpetrators tend to be impulsive and have antisocial tendencies. The effects of sexual assault can cause you to have “racing thoughts”. You may find yourself unable to concentrate because you can’t stop thinking about the assault, or something that happened during the incident.
* 422-205 * * Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care * How to recognise the signs of abuse * Define the following types of abuse * Outcome 1 * Physical abuse * Physical abuse is * Physical abuse is any intentional and unwanted contact with you or something close to your body. Sometimes abusive behaviour does not cause pain or even leave a bruise, but it's still unhealthy. Examples of physical abuse are: * Scratching, punching, biting, strangling or kicking. * Throwing something at you such as a phone, book, shoe or plate. * Pulling your hair.
Signs and symptom of physical abuse: cuts and grazes Hitting and kicking Pain and marks Burns and bruises Giving medication that may harm withdrawal from daily activities and social contact Disciplining in an inappropriate way Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse is when a vulnerable adult pressurized or forced to taking part into any sexual activities. Being forced to have sex and looking at sexual pictures or videos. Signs and symptom of sexual abuse: Genital itching and soreness Behaving in a sexually inappropriate way Changes in appearance Using bad language Having sexually transmitted disease Sexually transmitted disease Depression and lack of self esteem Emotional/psychological abuse: Emotional abuse is putting you down, when someone is shouting at you or making you feel bad and upset. When someone making threats about someone or something. Signs and symptom of emotional/psychological abuse: Bullying Humiliation Verbal abuse Being withdrawn and upset Not being able to concentrate and focus Unexplained fear and agitated Unusual behavior Nervous and confusion Financial abuse: Financial abuse is someone is tries to misuse a person funds and obtaining property without their consent.