Hr Being Described as the Central Sub System in an Organization

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Question "Though all the subsystems like finance, marketing and human resources operations are equally important for the survival and development of an organization, the HR system can be termed as the central sub system. Without HRM & HRD, carrying out the various organizational activities would become difficult. Comment on HR being described as the central sub system in an organization and discuss its relationship with other sub systems." Human Resources, as the name suggests, deals with the human aspect of an organization. This means that the HR department will inevitably be involved in the workings of all the other departments in the organization. The reason for this is simple. For any organization, it’s most valued asset is not the amount of money or property it has. It is the human assets that matters the most. In discussing the impact the HR department has on the other departments, it is important to understand the role it plays within an organization. These can be described as below. Involvement in the overall strategy of the organization In today’s organizations, to guarantee their viability and ability to contribute, HR department needs to think of themselves as strategic partners. In this role, the HR person contributes to the development of and the accomplishment of the organization-wide business plan and objectives. The HR business objectives are established to support the attainment of the overall strategic business plan and objectives. The tactical HR representative is deeply knowledgeable about the design of work systems in which people succeed and contribute. This strategic partnership impacts HR services such as the design of work positions, hiring, reward, recognition and strategic pay, performance development and appraisal systems, career and succession planning, and employee development. Advocate of the employees As an employee

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