Howell Major Exam Scams Analysis

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College can be a scary experience. But how do you know that if you have yet to take your first class? High school teachers may tell you that the work will be much harder in college. Your parents may tell you that you’re going to have to study more to keep your grades up in college. A friend of a friend might complain to you how much they struggled to keep their grades up in college. These are all stories people tell you so that you don’t end up failing completely, but you know what you are capable of. The truth is that you can make college the best experience for yourself, if you don’t listen or think about the negative that may happen. As long as you make goals and stick with them through the year, you will be telling stories about how great of an experience college can be without the stress. Claire Howells Major’s “Exam Scams” analyzes and is composed of urban legends. There are stories of unprepared students dealing with the professors, professors making inappropriate jokes at the students, and even a story of extremes a student went through because of the stressful work. For example, “This legend depicts a classroom in which the professor shows great disregard and disrespect for the students by disengaging to do for-profit work and leaving an impersonal medium to assume his role.” (Howell Major 241) Colleges know how to choose their professors and it will be very unlikely to find such a careless professor. Howell explains why each urban legend is beneficial to students but how can stories of such extremes help a first year college student? The answer is it doesn’t. The only effect it will have is putting more fear into the incoming students on how hard it will be entering college. I myself have heard many stories that made me afraid to step foot onto campus. I am sure you may have also, but I am telling you to forget about them now. They are most likely

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