Howard Zinn Thesis

406 Words2 Pages
Matt Mramer 9/7/2009 Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress By: Howard Zinn In this thesis “Columbus, The Indians and Human Progress” Howard Zinn refutes the common American belief that Christopher Columbus was a trailblazing hero, and instead shows the horrors of how he and his colleagues took advantage of the Native Americans and abused their kind, sharing nature. He expresses the dark side of Columbus’ encounters with the natives and the inhumane way he thought of them and treated them. He exploited the natives for work and precious metals and took advantage of them in as many ways as he possibly could. As many Americans see Columbus as a hero, Zinn exposes the abominations he imposed on the native people, and just how greedy he and the other Spaniards, such as Cortés and Pizarro, were. Howard Zinn is a firm believer that Columbus and the explorers were not heroes or saviors, but rather, cruel and egotistical characters who took advantage of the most innocent of human beings. Just as Cortés marched into Mexico with the intention of robbing the Aztec capital of Tenochitlan, Pizarro stormed into Peru, forcing the Incas elsewhere while taking their possessions and an abundance of precious metals. Bartolome de las Casas provides firm evidence of the injustices towards the native peoples, saying, “The Spaniards grew more conceited every day and refused to walk any distance. They rode on the backs of Indians or were carried on hammocks…” (6) This indignity is only worsened by the fact that the natives did nothing but help Columbus and the Spaniards. The indignities the Native Americans were forced to endure on a daily basis were repugnant. It would seem that many Americans today are under the false impression of innocence and purity during the founding of our nation. The truth

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