How Would the World Be Different If We Desired Fewer Material Things?

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How would the world be different if we desired fewer material things? With reference to the teachings found in The Four Noble Truths, what would be the Buddhist view on this? In this discussion I want to discover how the world might change if all of us desired fewer material things, according to the teachings found in the four noble truths. There are different arguments that could be fought over this question. Some believe that if we desired fewer material things the world would be a better place, although others may disagree, stating that if we desire fewer material things the human race might never progress or develop, and could revert back to its original, ignorant origins. The advantages of desiring fewer material things from a Buddhist point of view is that by craving less material goods we will bring the end to this particular suffering in the world. This is believed and recorded by the four noble truths which are:  The truth of suffering (All life is suffering)  The truth of the cause of suffering (The cause of suffering is craving)  The truth of the end of suffering (If craving ceases suffering will also cease)  The truth of the path leading to the end of suffering (The middle way is one way to avoid suffering) The Buddha described “all life as being suffering” or dukkha as we are all caught between two extremes, one being having all you need but still craving more, and having nothing and craving nothing. Although when the Buddha said that there is suffering in life, he did not deny that there is happiness also. He spoke of many kinds of happiness such as the happiness of friendship, the happiness of family, and so on. But all these kinds of happiness are impermanent and when we lose them, we suffer. The second noble truth states that “the cause of suffering is craving, desire and ignorance.” If we see something that we can not have

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