How to Reduce Teen Driving Accidents

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Individual Project: Final Draft on How to Reduce Teen Driving Accidents ENGL103-1501A-01: Composition: Writing and Research Jessica Gilpatrick Colorado Technical University August Ruyle February 9, 2015 How to Reduce Teen Driving Accidents How to Reduce Teen Driving Accidents Car accidents have been the number one cause of death of teen drivers between the ages of 16 to 19. This age group is more likely to be in a fatal vehicle accident then drivers 20 years or older. The topic of this problem/solution essay is, How to Reduce Teen Driving Accidents. Solutions such as more drivers education classes back at schools and teen drivers can drive until just before dark, are just a few that just might do the trick on how to reduce teen driving accidents. Accidents happen every day to drivers of all ages, of those drivers, ages 15 to 24 years may count for only 14% of the driving population, but they account for more than 30% of the total costs of car injuries (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). More than 5,000 teen drivers die each year on American roadways (Reader’s Digest). Teen drivers can become a risk to themselves and to others around them. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, one passenger alone will increase a crash risk for teen drivers by 48%. The more passengers that are in the vehicle, the greater the crash risk grows for the teen driver. For example, two passengers, for the teen drivers, the crash risk grows to 258%. With three or more passengers, the teen driver’s crash risk grows to 307%. Solutions for this problem would be to set a passenger limit, no one under 18 in the vehicle for the first six months of getting their license, and not letting teen vehicles become a social media. How to Reduce Teen Driving Accidents 23% of car accidents are due to cell phone use
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