How To Protect The Environment Essay

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Every year articles, news stories, and ads bring up the topic of the environment and argue about different ways to preserve it or even whether it should be preserved at all. Different groups such as environmentalists, conservationists, and ecologists campaign various and often extreme ways to protect the environment. However, how bad is the environment, and what should Christians do about it? In Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 2:15, God clearly places man in charge of the earth: “Fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth”, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (ESV). As God’s appointed caretakers…show more content…
Easily recyclable materials such as plastic and paper are often wasted which results in pollution. Every year, a large amount of waste is produced in America alone. According to Myra Hird, “The bulk of this waste [ends] up in landfills” never to be used again (105). The trash in these landfills slowly decompose and toxic chemicals from man-made materials seep into the environment causing harm to the surrounding plants and animals. Also, it takes energy and materials to produce the items which have been thrown away. It takes fewer resources to recycle a used item then it does to make one from scratch. This results in less pollution from the factories that make the items and less destruction to the environment through harvesting the materials needed. In the article “22 Facts About Plastic Pollution”, Nicole D'Alessandro states that “50 percent of the plastic we use, we use just once and throw away”. If Christians start reusing plastic such as bottles, bags, and containers more than just once, then that too will help preserve the environment by resulting in less waste and pollution. Through reusing and recycling, Christians help prevent toxic pollution and the depletion of natural

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