How to Paint a Room

810 Words4 Pages
1. Objective Hiring professional painters for your homeroom-painting project is expensive and unnecessary. This document contains the technical procedures and steps for you to successfully paint a room in your home with multiple colors of paint for the walls. 2. Materials 3.1 One large paint brush 3.2.1 Preferably 3” 3.2.2 Any brand acceptable 3.2 Plastic Tarp 3.3.3 Should cover the area of the floor 3.3.4 Should cover all furniture 3.3 Small Paint brush 3.4.5 Should be angled 3.4 Paint Roller and Roller covers 3.5.6 You should get one roller for every color planned to use 3.5 One paint tray 3.6 Painters tape 3.7.7 Enough to cover all edges and corners of walls 3. Materials 4.7 Paint 4.8.8 One gallon per wall per color 3.2 Paint thinner (optional; for fixing mistakes) 4. Procedure 5.8 Place plastic tarps over any flooring and furniture that you do not wish to get tape on 5.9 Use the painters tape (2.6) to tape along the edges, top, and bottom of ALL walls 4.2.1. the tape will create a seam so that when removed a crisp straight line is left 4.3 Pick color for the first two of the walls, and pour from the gallon into the paint tray (2.5) 4.3.1 Pour enough paint to fill only the bottom of the tray (you will have to refill as necessary) 4.4 Take paint roller with first roller cover (2.4) and dip into the paint tray 4.5 Use paint roller to apply a smooth and even layer of paint to the majority of the wall 4.5.1 Avoid edges and corners. Focus on the middle of the wall 4.6 Take large paint brush (2.1) and dip into paint tray 4.6.1 use this brush to go along the edges, top, and bottom of the walls 4.6.2 it is okay to get a little on

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