How to Motivate Children at School

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I am eager to speak about children”s motivation in school. It is obvious that teacher should motivate pupils to study English. English language is sure to be very interesting subject, but it is natural that the great part of pupils in school shouldn”t realize this fact. So, the main thing for really good teacher is to make them do it. It is up to the techer to provide effective development for children. I insist that you should be in teaching only if you feel that it is your vocation. How to motivate children appears to depend on the age of the pupils. For example for the fifth-seventh forms there is no sense in explaining how it is important to learn English or discussing some really difficult things for them. What they need is to make their lessons bright and unforgettable. But for using pictures, presentations, music the lessons wouldn”t be so good for children. Concerning the high school pupils, I am looking forward to saying that it is necessary to motivate them not through the pictures or through teaching them how to live. They are likely not to respect or love you for it. In my opinion, you can”t do a thing with some problems concerning their mentality in this age, most of them dislike the idea of studying, they prefer talking, falling in love and making friends, they happen to think that all the world is against them. So, you are sure to be smart and experienced enough to become not the teacher, but a friend for them, otherwise pupils would disrespect you. In general, I want to say, that if you really interested in teaching you will use your brains to be good at motivating students. Sometimes it must be a real challenge to your character to cope with the difficulties, but if you accept the responsibility, if you really love your pupils, you will catalyze in pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty. I suppose teaching to be
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