How to Motivate a Highschooler

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How to Motivate a High Schooler We live in a day and age in which teenagers, for the most part, are stereotyped as lazy. Most people that I’ve come across throughout life have had low expectations for high schoolers and teenagers in general. As a teenager, I do have lazy moments, however, I don’t think that a high schoolers are lazy, I think, rather, that we (the majority of teenagers) don’t have good motivation. One of the keys to success is motivation; something to push people towards excellence. Teenagers simply require proper motivation, which can be through encouragement, reward, and through threats. One very important way to motivate high schoolers, or anyone in general, is through encouragement. When someone gets congratulated or cheered on, they naturally try harder. People try harder because of encouragement because most people like to be thought of in a good way. People like feeling successful, which can drive someone to try hard. Encouragement makes teenagers feel good about themselves, therefore it is a good source of motivation. Many people work hard for the reward that comes out of it; whether it’s money, good grades, or even food, rewards are a great motivator. Many people who work jobs and have careers work mainly for the monetary reward that comes with the work. The concept of work and reward is a good way of motivating high schoolers. Ever since grade school, when teachers would reward students with candy for hard work, we have been taught that hard work brings an enjoyable reward. High school students would work hard if they had the right kind of reward. Another way to motivate a high school student is through threats, such as threats to take away their cell phone or not let them go somewhere or something along those lines. Although threatening teenagers may not be the best or morally right way to motivate, it actually works very well.

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