How to Improve Your Mental Welbeing

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HOW TO ... improve your mental wellbeing HOW TO ... improve your mental wellbeing This booklet explains what keeps people mentally well, why some people may be more prone to mental distress and what you can do to promote your mental wellbeing. It also suggests how you can care for someone who has mental health problems, while also looking after your own needs. ? What do we mean by good mental health? Good mental health isn’t something you have but something you do. To be mentally healthy you must value and accept yourself. This means that: • You care about yourself and you care for yourself. You love yourself, not hate yourself. You look after your physical health – eat well, sleep well, exercise and enjoy yourself. • You see yourself as being a valuable person in your own right. You don’t have to earn the right to exist. You exist, so you have the right to exist. • You judge yourself on reasonable standards. You don’t set yourself impossible goals, such as ‘I have to be perfect in everything I do’, and then punish yourself when you don’t reach those goals. If you don’t value and accept yourself, you are always frightened that other people will reject you. To prevent people seeing how unacceptable you are, you keep them at a distance, and so you are always frightened and lonely. If you value yourself, you don’t expect people to reject you. You aren’t frightened of other people. You can be open and so you enjoy good relationships. If you value and accept yourself, you are able to relax and enjoy yourself without feeling guilty. When you face a crisis you know that, no matter how difficult the situation is, you will manage. How we see ourselves is central to every decision we make. People who value and accept themselves cope with life. 2 Mental Health Promotion Why do some people become mentally distressed when others don’t? We suffer mental
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