How to Encourage People in Maintaining Their Health

462 Words2 Pages
How to Encourage People in Maintaining Their Health Health is very important to us, without healthy life we cannot enjoy the life with happiness. We have the responsibility to take care our own health. To have the healthy life, we need awake the way to take care our health. That have many way to urge people take care their health. Government have very important role to influence people awake about health. Government should take some action awake people through promote the campaign of health behaviour. In this health behaviour campaign, government should tell people about the advantages and disadvantages of health. In this case, people will know and understand the important of healthy. To encourage the people, government also needs to invite some high healthy information instructor such as doctor or healthy adviser. They have more power to improve and support the people. Besides that, government also can encourage people about health through media such as advertisement. Advertisement is a good way to promote and awake people. Nowadays, mass media such as television, radio, newspaper, and internet are playing the important role in human life. Government should awake people and give some tips to take care the health. This information will help people to pay more attention about their healthy and it will easy them to take care their healthy. Lastly, government can mention about health through advertisement to people. In addition, the school also need to take some action to encourage the student. The school can conduct the body check activities, blood donation or smaller campaign about health to awake the student. Student can always contact healthy activities and it will help them to build a good habit to take care their health. The school also can conduct a health competition which for the student has healthy life style can has the certificate to encourage them.
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