Unit 145 Promote professional development Outcome 1 Understand principals of professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice. * Staff will be able to support children’s learning successfully because they will have high expectations of what children can achieve and a secure knowledge of how children learn best. * Keeping abreast of changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage, Safeguarding and SEND code of practice. * Keeping abreast of changes to policies, staff contracts * Staffs are confident in the curriculum they are delivering to the children in their care. * Business and reputation * Promotion prospects * CPD * Ofsted “CPD ensures that professionals remain up to date in a changing world and that the reputation of the profession is enhanced, encouraging individuals to aspire to improve performance and ensure they are committed to learning and it is an integral part of their work” Whittaker 1992 1.2 Analyse potential barriers to professional development.
This is the ability to be you without pretence or façade. This is also called genuineness; it is the most important attribute in counselling according to Rogers, in this the counsellor is keen to allow the client to experience them as they really are, the therapist being authentic. Unconditional Positive Regard: (UPR) this is a non-judgemental, Respecting and accepting the other person as they are, Rogers believed that for people to grow and fulfil their potential it is important that they are valued as themselves. The counsellor has a genuine regard for the client, they may not approve of some of the client’s actions, but the therapist does approve of the client. The therapist needs an attitude of “I’ll accept you as you are.” The therapist must always maintain a positive attitude to the client at all times.
We need to keep an open mind and understand where the other person is coming from. As a team, we need to learn how to reach a common ground and compromise in order for the task to be successful. Also need use the assertive style of communication to enhance the teamwork. Slide 9 Feedback Identify the situation first. Some might need immediate feedback, such as correcting an action or giving direction Feedback can be provided to acknowledge task completion.
Integrity does not mean being perfect, but rather having high moral principles and being trusted in our actions as well as our words. It is something that compels us to do the right thing all the time. In our day-to-day life, we are presented with different choices. Some are hassle free and are very easy to make, while others may be difficult and requires significant effort. Of all the choices offered, picking the right or the wrong one is often determined by our character, which is based upon the qualities of integrity, accountability, and reliability.
We create a calm and purposeful ethos within our school. A Mission Statement- is a statement that defines the way your school approaches education. The mission statement allows parents to see the approach the school takes and can use this as guidance. It helps parents decide if what is offer matches their views on educational goals. In my school will strive to produce happy, healthy, confident and successful learners.
Even though the internet is not a brand new thing, this question was never brought up because of how slow it used to be and because of how many people had access to it compared to now. In this day and age the amount of people who use the internet heavily for a cornucopia of things is amazing. It has now become such an integral part of society that it seems it may be changing how our brains our working. When we do anything enough times it will start to affect our brain. If we lie all the time we will start to have a brain that is tailor made to make lying easier (Neulieb).
In this critical evaluation I will examine the many factors the WWW has to offer to people as a learning resource and how technology has become a dependant feature in many teachers and learners lives. When evaluating any learning resource various factors become visible such as, authorship, relevance, currency of material, cost, user friendliness, practicality, language and effectiveness. The World Wide Web offers information and data from all over the world. This information that is available on the web is enormous, and because that information can appear to be fairly “anonymous”, it is necessary to develop skills to evaluate what is found. The clear purpose for all this information is practical, it aims to cover a wide variety of sources for people to learn, teach, gather information, share ideas etc.
Consequently, CMC has become a lesser form of communication compared to face-to-face interaction and has adverse effects on group and organizational interaction. Computer-mediated communication was once confined to technical users and was considered somewhat arcane, but this no longer holds true. Computer-mediated communication is a key component of the emerging technology of computer networks. (Kiesler, 1984) Today one can communicate with others without physically standing in their presence, which affords one a sense of anonymity. This feeling of anonymity affects our perception of others, and how we then interact based on these
In the question being analyzed, we are meant to find out how to determine the “knowledge that we value”. But what does it mean to value knowledge? Does something have to be true for us to value it? Knowledge is defined as acquaintance or familiarity gained by sight, experience or report. But is this necessarily the same as truth?
Text does not convey emotions very well. You now have to assume what the expression and the pitch in a person’s voice are. It is very hard to tell if one is mad or sad or just being happy unless they are being very descriptive on how they feel. Many people can pretend to be a certain way as well. Anonymity on the internet is easy.