How to Determine a Good Person

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The biggest thing I've learned about life is that life is boils down to your quality of person. A rare person is someone who goes above and beyond in everything they do. They are often seen as hard workers or geniuses, succeeding at everything they do with grace and confidence. These people are liked and respected by many. They ask themselves "What can I do better?" A good person can lead a calm, drama free life, and still feel fulfilled, just doing their jobs, having a few hobbies, and just being friendly, while standing up for themselves and others when a situation calls for it. Their motto is along the lines of "Treat people as though they were sheep, watch them as if they are wolves." People who feel the need to be validated are always drama, whether or not they do good things. They are constantly trying to impress others, due to a lack of confidence. They may be good people, but rarely happy. These people ask "Will this be good enough for other people?" Mediocre people never accept that they may be in their situation because of their actions; they are always victims of some sort, or make excuses for their ineptitude. These people cry "It's not my fault!" Terrible people lie and manipulate others for short term gains that benefit no one in the long run. These are our dead beats, our hard core druggies, the people that sue for bullshit reasons. These people constantly plead "I just need some help, please!" Monsters steal, hurt, lie and prey on the physical and emotional weak with only the intent of malice. These are the beings that have gave up their humanity and should be watched with the utmost vigilance, and dealt with the harshest of judgements. There are some actions that a person can commit for which there is no forgiveness. When you look in the mirror, which do you

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