How to Decoate a Cake

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How to decorate a Cake! The goal of this project is to teach you (13- to 18-year-olds) the basic skill that are required for cake decorating. While skill and practice are important to cake decorating, the most important thing is creativity and willingness to try different techniques. Decorating a cake can be a complicated process involving the supplies, making icing, choosing the color of icing, and completing the decorating. First things first, you will need to gather all the necessary supplies or tools. Spatula which is a thin, flat tool that is useful for mixing and spreading. You also need a coupler which is a plastic or metal attachments for icing bags. These allow the tips of the icing bag to be changed without changing the entire bag. You will need a star tip as well as a writing tip. Oh and don’t forget the piping bag, which all your icing will go into. Next you will need to make you cake, this you can do by just using a box cake mix or finding a recipe online and just follow the directions. At this time you will also want to make an icing, I simple butter cream icing will do. Which is mostly just butter, powered sugar, vanilla and whatever flavoring you would like, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, whatever you like will do just fine. Next you need to put the icing in the piping bag. First you need to cut a whole down at the tip on the piping bag this open is for the coupler. Place the couple down inside. Then take your tip the attach it to the outside of the coupler. Now you are ready for icing. Cuff part of the icing bag just a little not a lot. Now take you spatula that you had to get earlier and move the icing from the bowl to the icing bag. Now you’re ready to decorate, this is where you imagination comes in handy. You can make a flower with a stem. By simply making petals with the star tip. And then making the stem with the writers tip. You

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