How to Cull the Effects of Acid Rain?

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How to cull the effects of Acid Rain? The horrible complications have been caused by acid rain in countries around the world. Today, we are going to discussing, how to cull the effects of acid rain? Acid rain is produced in the atmosphere and it causes disastrous effects on ecosystems and the environment. “Science identified the problem. Science provided the guidelines for how to try to resolve the problem,” Likens (a scientist involved in removing acid from affected lakes and river) says. “The success is that we have taken action as a society to try to deal with the problem.” There are numerous solutions available to stop acid rain but the earlier these arrangements are put into place the earlier the situation is going to be reduced. Acid rain is produced when pollutants from the industrial areas, mainly carbon dioxide, combine with water vapour, oxygen and sunlight to produce dilute forms of sulfuric acid and nitric acid, which fall back to the earth as a form of precipitation. The pH value of acid rain is five or less. Acid rain can form naturally in areas where volcanic eruptions occur. These natural amounts, though, are not significant in comparison with acid produced from industrial areas. The effects of acid rain differ from city to city. One city maybe heavily affected while the other has n’t been affected. Acid rain causes shocking effects in natural lakes and the ecosystem. When, mercury (coal contains Mercury and when it is burned it is released into the atmosphere with carbon dioxide interrupts the water cycle midway by getting into the water vapours in the atmosphere) mixes with the blood and tissues of fish, it causes them to have high acidic levels. Which, will poison them and they will in due course die. Trees too are a victim of acid rain. The toxic rain chokes the trees leaves by eating away the thin, waxy layer, which coats and protects the

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