How to Be Successful in the Interview

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Topic: How to succeed at a job interview What is your plan after graduation? Some of you will apply for master degree or even higher, some of you plan to travel around the world and some of you will be courageous enough to open your own business. But mostly, you will find a job. It is said that “If the undergraduate degree is the ticket for you to have the opportunity to get a job, then the interview is the very tough door.” That statement above has just shown to you the importance of the job interview. The question is “How to be successful in the interview?” Don’t worry! If you follow these steps, I guarantee that overcoming the interview successfully is possible for you. The very first step, which contributes much to the success of an interview, is preparing the information. The information here consists of your own information and the content of the interview. Read your Curriculum Vitae carefully and think of any questions that the interviewer can ask you about your own characteristics or anything else related to yourself. Try to answer all these questions. It indicates that you know about yourself well, because any interviewer appreciates that feature. Following information considered more important is the information of the company. To achieve that, you have to research seriously about everything of the company which includes the information which has been publicized such as its field of work, its revenue and profit recently, its fortes and foibles also. And more than anything, you have to understand the position and the field which you are applying for. The more you know about the company, the more chance to be hired you get. Because the interviewer will estimate your passion and seriousness, based on how you know about the imagination of your future company and position. Preparing information is a step taking up much of your time, but you will be

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