How to Answer Question on Divided Union- Usa 1918-1941

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3C- Divided Union Question 1- Is an inference question What is the message of the source? What is it trying to make you think? Question 2- What is the message and purpose of the source? Message- What is the source trying to make you think? Purpose- Why was this source produced, what’s the reason for it being published? Does the source want your support or does it want you to go against it? Question 3- Is asking you to compare three sources, A, B and C! Firstly; compare sources A and C, stating their similarities and differences Secondly; state how reliable the sources are, question NOP- when, who and why the source was produced? Lastly; make a conclusive comment on how much you agree with your statement by using words such as: strongly agree/disagree, mainly agree/disagree. Repeat steps for comparing sources B and C. Question 4- Will either be a utility or a reliability question! Utility- comment on how useful the information from the source is, what is useful about who, when and why the source was produced? (NOP) Reliability- How far can you trust the source by comparing the source with your knowledge, is it accurate? Anything purposely missed out? Question NOP, about who wrote it and why it was produced? Is it one-sided and/or exaggerated to get your support? Question 5- Is an hypothesis question on all the sources, mainly using your own knowledge Use your knowledge to consider whether the sources agree with the hypothesis Use and test the reliability of each source, agreeing and disagreeing the sources with the hypothesis made. Use quotes from the sources to either support or challenge the
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