How the World Be Without Global Economic System.

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How the world be without global economic system. By Miguel Horacio Cadena García First of all lets define what a economic system is, an economic system is the gathering of many complex things such as, an ever growing market, an always hungry consumer that is always demanding for more, the constant coin flowing, and all the countries in development and the ones that are already developed or in an optimal point of growth. If you put all this factors together and connect them through the different technologies that exist now a days then you will have an economic system. Lets now think bigger the economic systems are not only in one country they are in all the world in every country in every city in every town the continuously exchange information, that affects the other even if its not directly involved in its operations this is what I call an economic worldwide balance the slightest change or withdrawal from this individual systems affect the other systems in short medium or large term causing an economic crisis such as the ones we are currently seeing every day on the news. Now knowing all of this, lets start thinking how the word be without a global economic system, there are different scenarios of what could happen and I am going to talk about some of them. First scenario, total chaos and anarchy, without a global economic system a constant flow of cash something to sustain the system the society could fall into a complete hysteria by the fact that all their properties all their savings their things that they so hard worked to get them are gone. Second scenario, the world would get in a great depression banks would go to bankruptcy governments will now had all the responsibility to save each country they will have to work their own issues their own way with programs with government economical save packages such as the ones seen in the different

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