How the Text “I Watch My Grandsons Grow in Another Language” Convey Ideas About Belonging

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How the text “I watch my grandsons grow in another language” convey ideas about belonging In this story, it effectively expresses that bonds and relationships help people to belong regardless of other problems. The text “I watch my grandsons grow in another language”, represents the difficulties in belonging and how relationships help improve the situation and the process so much faster for people to belong. Belonging is a flexible bond it’s one of the things everyone seeks when they live, to belong to a group of people for similar tastes, culture and family. Both sides of belonging are shown when Sue the narrator for the story and also the grandmother experiences a sense of feeling out of place which is quickly replaced with a sense of belonging. In the beginning it describes how uncomfortable and frustrated she is with others not learning the same language and she thinks to herself “why didn’t she learn to speak English” about an old woman sitting next to her on the plane. Repetition of this phrase points to her being hypocritical because the same phrase is said to her except that she should learn Greek which is a form of irony. But the story progresses and the people don’t mind because she is the mother of Kris who is wedding a Greek man. In the short time that the people have been with Sue, she has gradually been accepted into their society. The return of Sue is another turning point in her life because this is when Kris is pregnant with a baby. The imagery combined with the description clearly reveals the setting of where Sue is waiting outside with the rest of the relations, which shows off a wealthy picture of a huge marble foyer and flasks of coffee and magnums of champagne. The tone of Sue is clearly surprised when the baby is born and everyone being very emotional and bonding together so easily. Sue is been shown that she belongs to the family even

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