How The Fifth Amendment Changed America

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The Constitution is a document written by the members of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Even though it was written hundreds of years ago, this document plays an important role in the establishment in the current United States government. One part of the Constitution that plays a critical role to the foundation of America is the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is consisted of the first Ten Amendments of the Constitution. The Bill of Rights is important because it protects the rights of United States citizens. One Amendment that is important to the balance of the law system is the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment states that people should not be thrown in Jail with out trial. This is important because it guarantees people rights that we should have in our government. If the Fifth Amendment did not exist, United States citizens would not have the rights that are current in our government. That would create problems for the government. If their were wasn’t a fifth amendment a lot of criminals would be able to be on the streets instead of in jails because they didn’t have a fair trial to show if they were innocent or not. It also guarantees the court systems will be balanced and you will be promised a fair trial in which you can or will not be released from prison. If their was no fifth amendment the government can do what ever they wanted whenever they wanted with no say. The Fifth Amendment is similar to the Fourth Amendment because they both state similar things. The fourth Amendment gives U.S. citizens the right to have private documents to remain private. It also says the government cannot go through unreasonable search warrants. If the fourth Amendment was not in use the government would have the right to be in our personal lives and their would be no privacy. U.S. citizens, wouldn’t have the right to own land

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