How Successfully Did Hitler and the Nazis Consolidate Their Grip on Power from 1933-4?

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In January 1933 Hitler became chancellor of Germany and Hitler and the Nazis wanted to consolidate their grip on power. Hitler and the Nazis were the biggest party in Germany but did not have a majority so Hitler used all the power he could to get what he wanted and he did so very successfully and by 1934, Hitler had declared himself as the Fuhrer of Germany. Hitler and the Nazis consolidated their grip on power by changing the law and constitution. This was very important for their aims because it gave Hitler a lot of power to rule how he wanted. Hitler tried to consolidate his power legally and probably the most important law Hitler and the Nazis changed was the passing of the enabling act in March 23rd 1933. This allowed Hitler to have absolute power and was allowed to pass laws without consulting the Reichstag. This helped Hitler consolidate his grip on power very well. Hitler achieved this by getting enough seats in the Reichstag although it was not a majority that Hitler wanted. Hitler and the Nazis wanted to enforce Gleischaltung. Gleischaltung is the process of Nazification of German political, social, economic and cultural life. It gave the state governments the same powers the Reich government possessed under the Enabling Act. Hitler put gestapo in place and this means that Hitler has consolidated his power at local level. Once Hitler had passed the enabling act, he then introduced new laws to consolidate his power. He created a law against the establishment of new parties which effectively made Germany a one party state and a dictatorship. This shows that Hitler now had massive power in Germany. Hitler and the Nazis did consolidate their grip on power very successfully through the changing in law and constitution because he now has absolute power due to the passing of the enabling act and he could make any laws he wanted to suit him and give him more
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