How Successful Was the League of Nations in the 1920’s

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First of all, I am going to write about the aims of the League of Nations. They had four objectives: prevent war, encourage disarmament, to encourage nations to cooperate in business and trade and to improve the working and living conditions of people around the world. Now we are going to see if they achieved them. This is the only way to realize if it was successful or not. In the 1920s there were some conflicts between countries that the League solved. Some they solved successfully, others were failures of the League and others were both. A failure in the League was Vilna. Vilna was a conflict between Poland and Lithuania. Vilna was the capital of Lithuania until Polish secret army invaded and controlled it. Lithuania talked to the League in order to receive help from it. But there was a problem, France saw Poland as and ally against Germany and Britain wasn`t prepared to send troops to the other side of Europe. As a result Poland took Vilna. That is a failure of the League of Nations. Now it is time for the successes of the League. One of them was the Aaland Islands conflict. The Aaland Islands conflict was between Finland and Sweden, the two of them were peaceful countries, and Sweden threatened force to gain control of the islands. The League of Nations said that the islands should go to Finland. Both of them accepted. There was no further conflict so the League was successful this time. The other success was the conflict of Upper Silessia between Germany and Poland. Upper Silessia was an industrial area. The League sent troops to keep order. The League of Nations said Silessia should vote who they wanted to be controlled by, the industrial zone vote Germany and the rural zone voted for Poland. The industrial area of Upper Silessia was divided, both countries accepted. It was another peaceful end. The two conflicts that remain are a failure and a success.
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