How Poetry Breaks Free of the Constraints of Conventional Writing and Explores the Essential Themes of Life

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A Kaleidoscope of Poetry “Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks” said Plutarch. Poetry is the only form of literature that truly allows people to explore the essential themes of life, seeing them in a new light, in a way that is free of the constraints of conventional writing. A few words poetically and meticulously arranged can place you in the mind of another. They can make darkness sound enticing and bring attention to things that have remained unnoticed to the common eye. The controversial, sophisticated, flamboyant poet Oscar Wilde once stated “I have grown tired of the articulate utterances of men and things. The mystical in art, the mystical in life, the mystical in nature, this is what I am looking for. It is absolutely necessary…” Wilde was fed-up with the age old constraints of conventional writing and was in pursuit of a way in which he could further his search for and portrayal of ‘the mystical’. Edgar Allan Poe’s written pieces explore countless themes, many of which are quite dark. Among the list of themes he addresses is that of loneliness, particularly in his poems Alone and The Raven. These poems certainly travel down the road less travelled and examine topics that can only be beautified by poetry. Using an array of poetic techniques, Poe breaks free of the constraints of conventional writing and finds ‘the mystical’ in the world that surrounded him. Oscar Wilde believed that poetry was inspired by the mystical richness of the world in which he existed. Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry certainly lives up to Wilde’s standards by taking his experience with the dance of life and intertwining it into his work which essentially took readers through a journey of the mystical. Poe certainly led a lonely life from the beginning. At age three his father abandoned the family and his mother died shortly after. He was taken in by the abusive
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