How Music Influence People

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How music influence people’s lives Music is extraordinary, it has the ability to influence people’s lives in the way that it can change people mood and help people relax and cope with everyday problems. Since the beginning of time, music has impact all humanity and has been used to expresses feelings, to tell a story, to entertain people and it has been widely used in religious practices all over the world. In addition, some people may perceive music as having the ability to connect to the soul of the body and to communicate more effectively with human emotions and sentiment. The definition of music in the dictionary is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. (Base in First of all, music can increase people’s current mental and emotional state. For example, if someone was feeling sad and depressed, then they are probably going to be caught in listening to slow depressing music that is going to increase their depressingly condition and make them even more depressed then they were before. Additionally, if you were feeling happy and with enthusiasm, then it is probable that you want to listen to a cheerful, fun and enjoying music that can support your feeling of happiness and that could share the some internal feelings that you are having. Moreover, music can also change your mood in a couple of seconds. For instance, if you listen to a song or tone that reminded you of a past event or person then is likely that the memory itself makes you feel the way you felt when you were living that moment in you life or when you were with that person. However, music can also help a little in changing people’s feelings of laziness to a feeling of energy and as well as to make you focus in the things that you have to do. In fact, many people when they do exercises
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