How Male and Female Students Participate in Class

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“How Male and Female Students Participate in Class” According to the article “How Male and Female Students Participate in Class” by Deborah Tannan, “girls and boys learn to use language differently in their sex-separate peer groups’’ (408). Girls always have a best friend whom she can sits and talks or form into a small group so they can share their secrets to each other and that is the way girls make friends and become best friends. However, most of the boys, activities are central. Boys like to do things and share their thoughts in a larger group, they do sports and play games together, in the way their best friends are the one the ones they do things with. Therefore, boys are expected to speak more or louder in the class to seize center stage by demonstrating their skill and displaying their knowledge. Tannan also states that women in classrooms often find it unnecessary to speak up during lessons. On the other hand, men suppose that it is a duty for them to make contributions in class by speaking up their minds. More than enough reasons have been suggested as to why women do not like talking or speaking up in class. Among the reasons is that most women speak on occasions that they deem require them to speak up or talk or give their opinion about. When women speak in class, they often do not expect to be challenged. On the other hand, boys always, and most certainly think that without challenges and debates in class, they do not learn; and therefore, classes without debates and challenges are not interesting and fun to the boys. The author does well in putting this across. Without a doubt, Deborah’s argument is valid and could not be truer. John Gray could not have been more right when he wrote his book men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Women and men have so many fundamental differences between them. Among them is the fact that women

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