How Jrotc Builds Character and Leadership

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JROTC motivates young people to become better American citizens. Along with this comes the strengthening of Cadets’ character and leadership. The program provides opportunities to allow Cadets to realize their true potential. JROTC encourages all Cadets to apply their skills to improve the world around them. The action of leading a group of people or an organization is leadership. Leadership is stressed highly in JROTC. Defined, leadership consists of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. Cadets obtain the ability to take charge and guide others through various activities such as Drill Team, Color Guard, and the Chain of Command. The key to success in JROTC is teamwork. With that being said, leadership is needed to keep subordinates contributing to the team to achieve the specific task at hand. Drill Team permits leaders to aid in the teaching and execution of Drill. Color Guard consents to a Cadet leading a team of four. JROTC is cadet lead, meaning the battalion is only as good as the leaders within it. JROTC teaches Cadets to believe in the benefits of “the group” rather than “oneself”. Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Character is molded through the JROTC program. Teaching Cadets the importance of trust, obedience, and respect creates positive additions to society. Character is gained through the multiple lessons taught by the instructors, community service, and the Chain of Command. The self-discovering lessons, ambition to correct ones’ flaws and the urge to maintain acceptable habits, develops/strengthens character. Community service is a humbling experience. Cadets are able to give back to their community and through this, Cadets become more sympathetic and motivated to improve their surroundings. Desired positions in JROTC inspire Cadets to behave accordingly and

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